Register Your PTA


Each year your local PTA President (or representative) must to fill out the PTA Information Forms to assure that all of the members of your PTA's Board and Committees receive communications from the Plano ISD Council of PTAs.


Please follow these steps.


Update your Contact Information


Close to the bottom of the page is a question, "", choose Yes and “Next Step” in the lower right corner


Select Add PTA Position and enter your own contact information.


Continue to select Add Another Position for each of your board members and their contact information – PLEASE enter a generic PTA email (if your PTA has them) and personal email, and cell phone for each position.

Since the Council of PTAs uses this information to contact their counterparts in the local PTAs, only those on the board with a Council counterpart are required. Others may be entered for informational purposes only.


*If you are a current PTA President and will be entering your second year, changing your “year” or the “year” for a member of your board to “next year” will eliminate them from the current year’s database. PLEASE enter each the person again with the next year’s “year”. This will keep their information in both the current and upcoming year’s database.


Click Here to Register



 Need a little more help? Download this document for a visual explanation of the steps.