Reflections Judge Interest

Thank you for taking time to learn more about Reflections. 
What is Reflections?

PTA hosts an annual national art program for students pre-K through 12th grade.  This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection".  Each journey starts at the local campus PTAs.  We are seeking individuals to judge local entries for one or more of our local PTAs.  Most PTAs will host a virtual judging event via Google Drive. Judges utilize a digital scorecard and judge on their own time.   Learn more about Reflections.  View the Judging Rubric.  

Once your complete this form, you information will be available to our Reflections chairs and Local Presidents. Each local PTA sets their own entry deadlines. The local Reflections Chair will contact you directly to request your participation.  There is no minimum or maximum for how many you participate  You may want to judge 5 events or only 1.  Whatever works with your availability.   
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Grade Division
What division are you willing to judge?

Judging Categories:
Category(s) you are interested in judging.

To aid our commutations effort, please list any arts organization(s) or schools you currently or have been involved with.

Any notes or specialties you would like to share with the local PTAs