Council Delegate
Delegate Meetings
PTA presidents, council delegates, principals, and invited guests are encouraged to attend.
To be eligible to vote, your PTA must have paid Council Dues.
What is a Council Delegate?
Council Delegates are representatives who voice their PTA's interests at the Council level. Each campus within Plano ISD has three voting representatives at Council Delegate meetings: the Principal, the PTA President, and the Council Delegate. If a representative cannot attend, an alternate may be appointed, provided the Council Secretary is informed prior to each meeting.
Council Delegate Responsibilities
- Attend all Council PTA delegate meetings or ensure an alternate attends if unable.
- Represent the Local PTA as a voting member in the Council PTA.
- Participate actively in discussions and deliberations at Council PTA meetings. Delegates (or their alternates) have the right to make motions, debate, and vote.
- Take detailed notes on announcements and programs presented during the Council PTA meetings.
- Attend all Local PTA meetings.
- Report Council PTA announcements, actions, and programs to the Local PTA members or executive board.
- Include Council PTA activities in the Local PTA’s bulletin or scheduled communications.
- Maintain a procedure book to document duties and responsibilities.
- Seek input or approval from Local PTA members on matters referred by the Council PTA and be prepared to report or vote accordingly.
- Inform Local PTA executive board members of the Council PTA's schedule of events and encourage their attendance whenever appropriate.
- Council Delegate Report Form (PDF Printable)
- Council Delegate Report Form (PDF Fillable)
- Council Delegate Report Form (Word Document)
Delegate Meeting Calendar
Subscribe to the "Council Delegate Meetings" calendar to add these dates to your personal calendar.
- Thursday, April 10
- Thursday, May 8